Sunday, 21 June 2015

Michelle Obama on the Importance of Education and Resilience

Michelle Obama on the Importance of Education and Resilience

First Lady Michelle Obama visited the Mulberry School for Girls in Tower Hamlets in London last week—a neighborhood the Telegraph calls "one of London's most deprived areas."

The First Lady spoke about how she grew up in a small house in a tight-knit, hard-working community, and, despite wanting an lacking role models—"I was black, and that didn't help," she said—she build a foundation for success on studying hard and doing well in school. "My feeling is that maybe this story is something you in the audience might be able to relate to," she told students.


Turns out, it was. "Throughout the whole speech I thought: 'That's me, that is just me,'" Sujina Khatun, an 18-year-old student in attendance told the Telegraph[1]. "Her speech resonated with me because I think I can probably do this despite all the barriers that I find in my way. You can tell she has overcome a lot of things and that she is strong."

Here are four of the most inspiring things First Lady Michelle Obama told the young women at Mulberry Street School for Girls.

Skills you need to succeed: "A strong foundation in writing and being able to communicate your thoughts and feelings in writing—so if you can't stand all the writing you are doing now, I'm sorry, but it's good for you."

Opportunities for women: "We need scientists, we need teachers, we need social workers, we need astronauts. We need it all."

On resilience: "You can't underestimate the importance of resilience. The trials and tribulations you have in life may be great. But getting through them is—that's what life is. What happens when you fail? Do you fall apart? Do you quit? Or do you pick yourself up? That's what success is. It's resilience. Take those challenges that you face and own them."

What you need to know about the world: "Don't just be book smart. Be smart about the world. Understand your politics. You have to know how your government works, and to vote and participate."

Photos: Getty


  1. ^ told the Telegraph (

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