Saturday, 20 June 2015

Wow—This is the REAL Reason Some Women Never Seem to Age

Wow—This is the REAL Reason Some Women Never Seem to Age

If you've ever chalked up J.Lo or Charlize Theron's inability to age to their sure-to-be extensive skin routine and good diet choices (read: nothing that resembles our own Friday night cheese fry habit), you're partly right. But, according to a new study conducted at Harvard Medical School in partnership with Olay, there's actually another factor at play: their genes. Yup, supposedly, there actually women who are considered "exceptional skin agers" (as in, they look dramatically younger than others in the same age group), and the cause for this is their unique gene expression "fingerprint." 

Olay found in a study of 350 women that while all the women had these genes, they tended to work way more efficiently in the "exceptional skin ager" group. Say it with us: so not fair. To try and help those of us who don't possess the fountain of youth in our genes, Olay is partnering with personal genetics company, 23andME, to better understand the drivers of these unique gene expression profiles and see if there's anything—anything at all—we can do to even out the playing field for non-exceptional skin agers. The brand claims that unique combinations of proven anti-aging ingredients, like Niacinamide, pal-KTTKS, Olivem and Lylastine found in their much-loved Regenerist Micro-Sculpting Cream[1] ($29), can actually shift the skin fell fingerprint of average skin to behave more like the skin of the "exceptional skin agers." (Click here to see another trio of potent anti-aging ingredients you should try[2].) So, next time your skin is looking particularly glowy after a good sheet mask session (we recommend Karuna's Brightening+ Face Mask[3] ($28)) and your coworkers ask if you got a facial, just toss your head and say, "Thanks, it's genetics." 

Channel your inner Sleeping Beauty and shop our favorite [4]overnight anti-agers here[6][5]

What do you think about these findings? Sound off below!

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