Wednesday, 17 June 2015

Is Painting Class the Next Speed Dating?

Is Painting Class the Next Speed Dating?

The last time I painted with someone I had a crush on was in eighth grade art class. We weren't standing next to each other, but we could see each other's canvases and kept stealing glances at what the other was painting. It was one of the most memorable flirtations of my life. And I was 13.

As adults, we just don't get the art class experience very often, do we? But that doesn't mean we don't have a latent interest in group art! Have you ever walked by one of those pottery painting places hosting a child's birthday party and felt a longing you from deep within you? Well I have. Creating something while hanging out with fun people is the best feeling in the world. And that's why I am thrilled about a new social trend called Paint Nite.

Paint Nites are hosted in real pubs by real artists who guide groups through creating a masterpiece—all with beer in (your non-dominant) hand. It's basically like Pub Trivia Night for artistic people, but a little more organized. In just over two hours, you'll have the chance to create an awesome painting, meet new people, drink some drinks, and maybe even meet someone (if that's your goal). Even if you're coupled up, I can't think of a better way to have a little fun on your next date night.

"Jack, I want you to draw me like one of your French girls..."

The Paint Nite website stresses that there is "no experience necessary," so if your skills are more of the stick figure variety, no worries. Besides, it's the socializing that's the point here. Why painting? Because art is sensual, and a hell of a good way to flirt with someone, or just unwind after a long day. It's also an activity both you and your date/boyfriend/husband can get on board with because whether or not you're good at painting doesn't really matter. You're there to have fun and flirt and drink beer.

A few scenarios for who goes to paint night, and why:
1. Anyone looking to meet someone. If you're single, imagine the "how we met story" you can tell, giggling that your now-boyfriend's attempt to mix red and blue to get purple turned to sh*t (seriously—purple is hard to mix) and he had to ask you for help.
2. Anyone looking for a fun date night with her guy.
3. Anyone looking for a fun girls' night out. It's the grown-up equivalent of coloring together after school. I know I plan to try it with my friends.

At the moment, this trend is still new, but there are tons of Paint Nites happening in Liverpool, Los Angeles and just about everywhere in between, so check the calendar[1] on their site and select your city to see what's going on in your area.

Photos: Stocksy


  1. ^ calendar (

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