Monday 8 June 2015

What Same-Sex Couples Can Teach Heterosexual Couples About Housework

What Same-Sex Couples Can Teach Heterosexual Couples About Housework

You may have heard of a little something called choreplay[1], a term coined by Facebook's chief operating officer Sheryl Sandberg to represent a fair split of domestic chores—the kind of division of labor that leads to feel-good emotions and more frequent sex. Well, a new study[2] shows it's same-sex couples, not heterosexual pairs, that have this important relationship practice down-pat.


According to the Families and Work Institute survey of 225 dual-income couples, same-sex couples[3] share chores more equally, as well as assign tasks based on preference rather than gender, income, work hours or perceived power in the relationship. Meanwhile, heterosexual couples tend to divide chores based on stereotypical roles—leaving women with chores such as child care, cooking, laundry, and grocery shopping, regardless of whether that's their preference.

For example, 74 percent of same-sex couples equally share child care responsibilities, while just 38 percent of heterosexual couples split the kid-rearing chores down the middle. Laundry duty is shared nearly 50-50 by same-sex couples, while women are the sole clothing washers 69 percent of the time in heterosexual relationships.

But regardless of whether the couple is same-sex or heterosexual, the researchers found one thing to be true: "Satisfaction in the division of household responsibilities is driven more by whether couples have a conversation about how to divide responsibilities upon moving in together," according to the results. It just so happens that same-sex couples are better at chatting about chores, too, the study found.

Photos: Stocksy


  1. ^ choreplay (
  2. ^ new study (
  3. ^ same-sex couples (

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